
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Life is just too short not to -

I am quitting my job.

Not just quitting to quit - but quitting to have more family time.

I worked hard to get a 'title' at this job only to figure out that I didn't want what came along with the title. I love being around my people so much & I wasn't getting to do that anymore.

I am not one of those people that wants everything - I want to be comfortable. I want to be able to heat & cool my home, I want to be able to take a hot shower, I want to have fun with my kids, I want to snuggle with my honey. Those are the things I want.

Not having a 2009 vehicle doesn't bother me. I drive a '95 Ford Bronco - I love it - NO PAYMENTS! I just want that blissful feeling I get when I am hanging out with my people.

I will enjoy all of these things!


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