
Friday, November 26, 2010

Things I learned this week - 11/26/2010

Well another fun filled week of learning. 
I learned Pink is pregnant!

My daughter knew before me.
You could say I have a girl crush on her.
She is so much her own person without anyone telling her who or what to be
I adore that
Her songs feed my soul
Most of them have such a great inspirational message
And yes a lot of them have a 'F' you message!
Of course those songs sometimes help me through my day also!

I learned that when I am soldering I get impatient sometimes.
Instead of steady heat I try to turn it up & make it go faster
really - it melts silver if you are not careful
But where there is patience comes beauty.

I learned that while my youngest daughter is very book smart
And started walking at only 9 months
I should have spent more time teaching her how to walk correctly
I think she has told me about tripping & falling hurting herself like 5 times this week

I also learned about the above mentioned daughter that she is a lil' shit
I had a pimple on my cheek & she was sure to mention the 'mountain' on my face daily
She also liked that I had a fat lip from dental work
She said I looked like I was trying to be Angelina Jolie
Now while she is pretty I know my brat wasn't making that claim
She was being a lil' shit

I also learned that my 8 year old so is totally a boob man -
Or would that be boob boy?
I don't guess this is a huge bad thing
He  knows what he likes!
But at 8?

Lets see what else ..
I can't think of anything else right now.
Nothing huge or substantial this week .. but fun
But I will learn more in the weeks to come I am sure!

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